Posts tagged with "Recording"

Home Recording Studio Essentials
Behind the Scenes · April 24, 2023
Are you a keyboardist looking to record your music at home? Setting up a home recording studio can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and a little bit of know-how, you can create a basic home recording studio that will allow you to capture high-quality recordings of your playing. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps of setting-up both, basic and advanced home recording studios for a keyboardist.
Mixing and Mastering Tools
Behind the Scenes · July 10, 2022
Recently, a couple of new mastering tools arrived in my studio and this article is about how they work and perform when used in my current projects.
Songwriting and Production over the Internet
Behind the Scenes · April 13, 2022
This article is about songwriting over the internet, about collaborative song creation and production using Jamulus / KOORD software tools and Garageband as well as Logic Pro X for sequencing and mixing / mastering of the final song.